The Omniscience Society envisions people, the achievement of globalization, and technology to become the artists’ tools that can unite the fragmented knowledge & scientific discoveries of our time for the sake of understanding and putting together the tapestry of reality as a whole.


About us

Omniscience envisions the goal to unite fragmented knowledge & new discoveries in all academic fields. As for example in science & high-tech in order to understand the tapestry of reality better and therefore increase our quality of life as a society. We believe that due to the achievements of globalization and technology there has never been a better time to do so.

We extend The Omniscience Society Invitation to our honored academics in every academic field in order to contribute to this common goal. By demonstrating your discoveries to other honored peers in every academic field, high-tech companies, innovators, investors and the general public there will be the opportunity to find new possible common grounds, connections, and even possibly inter-dependency to understand integral parts of our reality better. Vital new research and collaborations could be fostered through these noble efforts.

We also encourage high-tech companies and innovators to get involved with us in order to streamline this process further and more effectively.

At Omniscience, we believe in the necessity of lifting the veil of compartmentalization in different specialized fields. That includes academic fields that have never been linked before in modern education.

The need and effort in specialization in academic fields have always done a great service to society. So much “fruitful knowledge” has been grown in the vast and versatile academic fields that we believe it is time to harvest them and allow them to be set together as the gems they are, in one tapestry of reality.

Surely there will be times when these efforts will not seem initially fruitful for some. But we encourage you to stay on board and to keep interacting with one another because the final kindled spark might just be another moment away.

Uniform Intelligent design at the level of each integral part that makes reality function leads us to understand that the totality of reality is and must be created by Intelligent Design. We perceive a Creator that orchestrates the individual parts to function for the sake of the totality. We, therefore, are interested in exploring the concept of Divine Mathematics, Intelligent Design, and therefore its blueprint undergirding reality.

Our Honored Board Members

Professor Eliyahu Rips is a Professor of Mathematics at the Einstein Institute of Mathematics - Emond J. Safra Campus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His area of interest is Geometric and combinatorial methods in infinite group theory, Algebra.

Professor Rips is also known for:
Rips machine

Vietoris–Rips complex
Torah Code

The receiver of the Erdős Prize Awards (1979)

Professor Rips is the co-author of a paper on what is popularly known as the ‘Torah Codes’ or ‘Bible Codes’.